So Xiera's birthday is just around the corner. I can't believe my baby will be turning 4 years old on June 3rd! Well daddy went out and got her an early birthday present today....and Xiera is just ecstatic about it, while I am just a nervous wreck!
Yes Xiera now has her very own pink 4 wheeler and drives it all over our 3 acres and our neighbors' 6 acres rather well!! The only thing I like about it is the remote engine stop switch that either daddy or I can use to stop the engine automatically if needed.
This next picture looks like daddy is giving her some driving tips. "It looks like you are catching on well, young grasshopper!"
With Love,
Farmyard Sheep crochet pattern
1 week ago
I would be a nervous wreck too!!
4 years old... wow! Xiera and Natalie are almost the same age! Natalie turned 4 in December. My niece will turn 4 in June though... so that is really close!
Xiera looks like she is having fun on the 4 wheeler!
Cute pics Lindsay :D
LOL Sarah glad I am not the only worrier! I was thinking more along the lines of a Power Wheels Barbie Convertable! ;) But Xiera LOVES her 4-Wheeler and has been asking for one for quite awhile now. I was thinking age 7 or 8 would be a more appropriate age to ride one. I am just happy and thankful for the stop safety switch feature it has! ;)
Xiera looks like a pro on that girl.
Watch out danica patrick ;)
nah I think I would worry too.
have good day
Wow! I am jealous! I would wrap Xiera up in bubble wrap before she could ride! Poor Mason I don't think I will ever let him grow up!!!!
Talk to you later!
LOL, I can actually see my little PRINCESS riding one too!
Love those pics!
OMG that is stinkin CUTE!!!!!!!!!!
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