Last week for spring break we went on a wonderful family vacation in Florida.
On our first day of our vacation we visited Universal Studios in Orlando. This was a first time visit for us all and we absolutely LOVED it.
The girls love the movie Despicable Me so of course we had to ride the Minion Mayhem.
They had to have there very own unicorns (from the movie) so they could squeeze them with love and say with excitement, "He's so fluffy!"
The second day of our vacation, we visited the most famous castle of them all in Disney World.
Shortly after our visit, we had to take cover because of a tornado warning. The storm hit while we were riding the teacups which put a damper on things.
We were blessed to have decided to go to Universal Studios the day before because a tornado did touch down there during this storm tearing up a few rides. We were lucky enough to have only been drenched in Disney.
We took the lemons that mother nature threw at us and turned them into lemonade by drying off with a fun ride on Space Mountain. Then we visited Zella's favorite Disney princess EVER, Merida from Brave.
For our third day of our vacation, we visited Island Adventure of Universal. Our first stop there; Hogwarts of course!!
The Wizarding World of Harry Potter was AMAZING!! We went inside the Hogwarts castle and rode the Harry Potter The Forbidden Journey ride. This ride was AWESOME and is me and Xiera's new favorite ride of all time!
We visited Honeydukes candy shoppe. It was so neat to see the most popular wizarding sweets from the series there! Zella got a bag of cotton candy and Xiera got her very own pink pigmy puff.
On our fourth day, we visited Jupiter Beach and spent most of our day there soaking up the sun, playing in the sand and ocean, and watching daddy boogie boarding.
On our fifth day we had a shopping day in West Palm at City Place. Zella took her giant unicorn with her EVERYWHERE she went.
On our last day of our visit, we climbed the 105 steps to the top of the Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse.
The lighthouse was built in 1860 and is supposed to be haunted. People claim to feel cold spots, and the feeling of being touched. We didn't feel anything unusual although Xiera did say she felt someone tap her on the shoulder going up and glanced behind her to see that no one was there....hmmmm...
The scene at the top was GORGEOUS! You could see the beautiful coast for miles.
In the evening, we took a stroll along the beach and dock, collecting seashells and taking in the beautiful beach scene one last time.
Happy Easter everyone! Today we are coloring eggs and visiting with family. Then tomorrow it is back to reality with school and work.
Farmyard Sheep crochet pattern
1 week ago
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