Today we went to the town square to enjoy all their Halloween Spooktacular activities. All the kiddos, ghosts and goblins, lined up behind the firetruck. They closed off the rode leading into the town square and we all paraded into town behind the firetruck. We entered both the girls in the costume contest! Zella won third place in the 1 year old girl category. YAY!!!!!
Yes that is me in the goofy pink furry pimp hat! LOL!
Then Xiera went up on stage shortly after with Daddy for the 4 year old girls category! She was soooo funny once she was up there!! She was dancing around and smiling so big! When they announced the second place winner they said, "And second place goes to the Dancing Colorful Bug!!!" LOL!!! It was so hysterical!!!
She was so proud!!! Can you tell?
We then went trick or treating around the town square!!! It was so much fun!
Congratulations Xiera and Zella!!!! :) I am so proud of you both!! Mommy loves you!!!
With Love,
Farmyard Sheep crochet pattern
1 week ago
awww.they look adorable!!! the rainbow leg warmers!!!!!
those are the cutest kiddos EVER... & the pink fuzzy Pamala Anderson hat looks FAB on you! HAHAHA!
Thanks so much Stacy and Tawnya!! LOL about the pink PA hat!!! It just matched my pink sweater with black stars so could I resist it's fluffiness?
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