Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Vintage Chic White Lace

I just finished this vintage inspired white lace shrug for Wisterialane's Vintage Chic themed launch. This is a One of a Kind design and will not be duplicated (unless I get the courage to make another for my own girls or even for myself as it turned out so lovely!) I plan on listing it on Ebay this week with a reserved price so stay tuned!
Just look at all of the detail!


Angie Field said...

Hi Lidsay,
Just wanted to say I love your new look blog. And the shrug is just gorgeous.
Ang xx

first lady said...

that is soo pretty, how long did that take you to make? good job. by the way i really like the fireflies song

crochetdlane said...

Thanks Angie! I like the romantic look of it. Just in time for Valentine's Day. ;)

Thanks Kristy! O it took only FOREVER to make! The pattern I made it from was originally written in German and was then translated to Russian and then again into English. I had to play around with the pattern and took it apart about 7 or 8 times to get it the look that I wanted. I spent at least 50+ hours on it. I LOVE the Fireflies song too. "I get a hug from 10,000 lightning bugs." <-- Love that!


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