A few days ago, hubby cut the grass and I went outside to play with the girls shortly after. Zella loves just sitting in the grass and sticking her fingers in the dirt and pulling the grass with her hands. Well I am guessing hubby must of mowed over a Poison Ivy vine causing it to spread all over an area in the yard that Zella was playing in because now her little hand has a nasty Poison Ivy rash on it. Hubby gets Poison Ivy quite frequently and said we should go and get some Zanfel. I didn't know if we could use it on Zella since she is so young so I called the Pediatrician to make sure and she said it would be okay to use. So we went and picked it up and treated her rash with it. It already looks so much better.
With Love,
Farmyard Sheep crochet pattern
1 week ago
Oh...poor baby. I hope she feels better soon. :(
ouch. poor thing!
Thanks ladies. It is already completely healed and we are soooo happy!
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