The girls have been enjoying all this warm, sunny and rain-free weather we have been having. Zella kept picking up and rotating the rocks that lie on both sides of our driveway. She would pick up a rock and walk over to the other side and drop it and then pick up another one and walk back to the other side and drop it. She did this for almost a whole half an hour! It was so entertaining to watch!
Xiera LOVES riding her new bike. She had her choice at the store between a Disney princess and a purple bike. I was so surprised that she picked the purple one. She said she liked the color purple! ;) (Notice Zella in the background getting ready to pick up another rock!!)
I learned a new trick with my photoshop program today! I can put a soft contrast on my pictures! I love it!! Here are a few random shots of the girls I used to play around with!
The girls aren't the only ones having loads of fun outside! And who says chores are boring?
Yes that is hubby riding a Ripstick and carrying the trash cans up to the house! :)
With Love,
Farmyard Sheep crochet pattern
1 week ago
AWWW Lindsay...looks like the girlies had fun..LMBO at Zella's new hobby:) Too cute!
Hey I don't know if you remember me but I met you at Kristy and Dereks bbq last year! We are both left handed crocheters. YOU MAKE SUCH CUTE STUFF!! MY sister would just love love love it. She's a big crafter too. She would love you! Your hairbows are precious and I have to get that pattern for that tank top you made for your daughter. SO CUTE!!
omg, that pic of your hubbie is so funny! Way to make a yucky chore look like fun!!!
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