Thursday, March 27, 2008

More Sickness And New Ebay Listings!!

Poor Zella has been sick with a nasty cold all week. At night is the worst! The poor thing can barely breathe at night. I have to elevate her crib mattress with a pillow underneath of it and I put the humidifier in her room. Now Xiera, Hubby, and I are all sick with nasty colds this evening. I think I am going to go out tomorrow and purchase 2 more humidifiers so we can all have one in our bedrooms at night.

On a good note; I FINALLY listed my M2MG Ice Cream Social Set on Ebay for the TheChicks M2MG Launch.

Ice Cream Social Halter

Ice Cream Social Purse

Xiera also modeled these adorable bows and matching triple scoop ice cream hair clip made by Jeanine of Monkey Cheek Boutique! Aren't they adorable?

With Love,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love that purse.

I am a Chicks Guest designer!

Looking forward to a great launch

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