We have had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. We attended a Graduation Party, went swimming 2 days in a row, visited our loved ones we have lost, and just got back from a yummy barbeque with our beloved family! Now it is time for a little nap!
Happy Memorial Day!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Happy Memorial Day!
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4:16 PM
Labels: family
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Fun With Flip-Flops Continues...
I just finished a few more adorable pairs of flowered flip flops!
The daisy flip flops were custom made for a special mommy customer of mine. ;)
I really adore these, especially since the daisy is my absolute favorite flower, so I am going to be making me the same pair later on today.
And this next pair was made for another dear customer's young daughter. I really love the bright colors her daughter picked. Lots of fun!
I also forgot to mention yesterday that I listed the WILD cupcake hair clips I had shared earlier on Ebay.
You can find them HERE.Don't forget to search Wisterialane on Ebay for more sweet cupcake designs listed.
Posted by
6:48 AM
Labels: Crochet, cupcakes, custom, flip flops, flowers, hair clips
Friday, May 28, 2010
Sweet Treats Cupcake Pin Cushions And a GIVEAWAY
Aren't these pin cushions simply SWEET? I just listed all 4 of these late last night for Wisterialane's SWEET launch starting this week. Don't forget to search Wisterialane on Ebay for other sweet treat listings.
Including in this collection debut is the Pink Party Cupcake Pin Cushion. You can find it HERE.
The Chocolate Swirl Cupcake. You can find the listing HERE. What is neat about each of these is that their casings are removable just like a real cupcake!
The Shabby Rose Cupcake. You can find it HERE!
And last the Daisy Lavender Cupcake. Which you can find HERE!
To celebrate my daughter Xiera's upcoming 6th birthday, 2 lucky winners will receive a cupcake pin cushion of your choice. This giveaway is for the pin cushions ONLY! Clay Pins are not included.
Just leave a comment below letting me know which cupcake is your favorite and my birthday girl will draw 2 lucky winners next Friday, June 4th. Remember to have fun and good luck!
Posted by
5:01 AM
Labels: Crochet, cupcakes, giveaway, pin cushions
Monday, May 24, 2010
Feeling Guilty
This morning started out like any other morning. I got Xiera on the school bus and planned on a funfilled day of shopping with Zelly Belly for Xiera's upcoming birthday. After breakfast I brought Zella into her room to figure out the daily dilemma...."What should she wear today?" After we settled on a cute Gymbo outfit, I laid her down to change her morning pull-up (Sadly yes....we are still not quite out of the potty training phase.) I began putting on her new pull up and shorts. Once they were around her legs, I asked if she was ready to sit up. She held out her hands and I took her by the wrists and hands and pulled her up into a sitting position. That is when something went VERY wrong! Zella began crying and holding her right wrist. It wasn't a normal cry. It was a cry of serious pain. I began looking her wrist and arm over. I tried to move her wrist and she screamed even louder. I knew something was seriously wrong and called hubby upstairs. He examined her wrist and arm and told me to call the doctor immediately. She just kept holding her wrist close to her body sobbing. I felt so completely helpless and utterly guilty! I took her in to see our pediatrician soon after. Once the doctor came in to look at her wrist, she began moving her wrist around and pulled her arm back against her body in an upward motion. Then something popped back into place, and immediately she was all better and able to move her arm as if nothing even happened. The doctor informed me that she had what is known as Nursemaid's Elbow. It is the dislocation of the elbow joint caused by a sudden tug of the extended arm. The doctor said this is seen a lot in children between 1-3 years of age. She did not need to have an x-ray done or wear a sling or cast home. I was so overwhelmed with relief!
NEVER again will I pull a young child by their wrist or hands, even the slightest, for any reason what so ever! I have learned my lesson! So PLEASE pass this information around so that you can spare a child from this painful and traumatic experience.
Posted by
5:05 PM
Labels: family, nursemaid's elbow
Thursday, May 20, 2010
WILD Cupcake Party!
My precious little niece Gracie who recently celebrated her first birthday, came to play today and modeled an ADORABLE birthday cupcake set made by my talented friend Sharon of *Mimisgirls*. I made the little plush cupcake prop to match.
Isn't she the cutest thing?
I also made a sweet little cupcake clippie to match!
Keep a look out for this adorable set and hair clippies to match next week on Ebay for Wisterialane's upcoming sweets launch!
Posted by
2:01 PM
Labels: Crochet, cupcakes, family, hair clips, modeling, photography
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Wordless Wednesday-Toothless Grin
Posted by
11:54 AM
Labels: family, Wordless Wednesday
Monday, May 17, 2010
Fun With Flip-Flops
This past weekend we saw rain, rain, and more rain. Glancing out my back window, I can see more rain coming down as I type. It isn't suppose to stop until Wednesday. Well I have been having fun indoors embellishing flip flops while dreaming of the warm sun and walks on the beach with sand squishing in between my toes.
I just finished 2 custom pairs of flipflops for a customer of mine and her daughter. She said that she wanted hers black with a splash of color.
Her daughter loves the color pink so I had a bit of fun designing these. And what little girl doesn't love hearts?
Because of all of this rain, I have big plans to update my Etsy store. It definitely is in need of some new items. Maybe some new hair accessories, hats, or flip flops? What would you like to see in my store? Maybe there was a past design I had listed on Ebay awhile back that you liked? Or maybe a custom design you saw pictured on here? I would love to hear your thoughts!
Posted by
7:41 AM
Labels: Crochet, custom, flip flops
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Custom Baby Bloomers
Today I finished an adorable pair of baby bloomers for a customer of mine. They are for her baby boy who is turning one. She wanted them simple in a natural beige with pockets.
I added white stitching around the back pockets to help them stand out a bit more. I think they turned out really cute.
Posted by
12:27 PM
Labels: baby bloomers, Crochet, custom
Saturday, May 8, 2010
O The Cuteness!
This past week the girls had a great time playing dress-up and striking their latest poses modeling for Jayne of Baby Grace Designs.
Can we say C..U..T..E?!
This one was our favorite! Xiera just adores The Princess And The Frog right now.
Keep an eye out for these next 2 sets for next Easter!
Love this next Christmas set! The little gingerbread man and girl faces are so sweet!
And that dangling Gingerbread Man House on the hood is simply clever and cute!
Posted by
1:01 PM
Labels: modeling, photography
Friday, May 7, 2010
And the Winners are....
First of all, thank you so much to everyone who entered the Crochet Headband Giveaway! I really appreciate it!! Don't forget to keep checking back for more fun crochet goody giveaways!
The random online number generator picked the following winners....
Winner number 8 is Kelly who said "Hey Lindsay! It's Kelly T. I like them ALL, but I really like the colorful ones in the last pic. I also like the one with the 2 white flowers"
And winner number 10 is Jenn who said, "I Like them all too, But My favorites, I think is the Big Blue flower headband and the little rosettes."
Thanks again for playing and I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Posted by
6:45 AM
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Wordless Wednesday-Spring time
Posted by
5:37 AM
Labels: flowers, photography, Wordless Wednesday