Saturday, November 28, 2009

Dolly Dearest Set

I just finished a sweet custom mini me dress, hat, and doll set for a dear customer of mine! I just love pink and brown together. It reminds me of Neapolitan ice cream. Yummy!

With love,


Tammy said...

GORGEOUS my friend!!!

Delena said...

Beautiful. Where or where do you get your patterns? Or is that a trade secret!!

crochetdlane said...

Thanks Delena,

I get my patterns from a variety of places and crochet books I have collected over the years. The dress is a combination of a little something I came up with and a pattern I bought from
The hat is a pattern I found on
The face is a pattern I found on
I just changed the face a bit with rosy cheeks and more hair.
I found the doll pattern on Etsy. But I changed her appearance a bit too. ;)

I hope this helps!


Delena said...


Thanks so much. I have bought many patterns from luvtocrochet in the past.I am very familair with crochetpattern central and now I must have a peek at angelscrochet.
Your work is perfect!

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