Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Dressing Up The Chase With A New Afghan

Remember the afghan I started working on last July? Every time I would glance in my craft corner in the living room, I would see the afghan all folded up unfinished. Looking at it made me feel guilty. I have never left something unfinished for that long. Well I finally finished it today and it is gorgeous!

The colors match perfectly with our living room decor and also adds a touch of spring with those shades of pink and green. The pattern is a bit non-tradtional with half-squared granny squares, making it resemble a patchwork quilt.

I am so pleased and excited to have a new "pretty" to look at and snuggle with.


  1. From crocheter person to another, beautiful! Did you crochet your squares together or sew them?

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Thank you so much Delena! I sewed each half-squared, and square together. It was VERY time consuming but well worth it in the end. :)


  4. That is gorgeous and I love the colours.

    Nina x

  5. Thanks Nina! It was truly a labor of love. <3


  6. It's so good to look at it...the colours are fabulous.
