Friday, July 3, 2009

Mini Me Customs

The past few weeks I have been super busy with a few large custom mini me orders. I made my first custom boy mini me shirts and they turned out so cute!!
Here is one I made for an infant boy.

And here is the toddler boy size.

I also made 2 custom mini me halters for the same order. This is for a dear customer of mine. Her son and his cousins are all planning on getting their pictures done together wearing these. So cute!

I also just finished a mini me dress for another dear customer. This is for a pageant and I am now finishing up a mini me dolly to match it. ;)

With Love,


  1. As always, too cute for words!!! Is a Mini-Me your own personal line?

  2. As always, too cute for words!!!

  3. Thanks so much!

    Yes the Mini Me Line is my own personal line. ;)

