Sunday, February 16, 2014

Lucky Leprechauns

I just love how these Lucky Leprechaun Beard Hats turned out. I made these for my dear customer's sons to wear. My daughters had a lot of fun modeling them even in the freezing temperatures we are having outside today.

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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Shark Attack

This past week I finished this fun custom shark hat for a dear customer of mine. The lucky birthday girl that gets to wear this LOVES sharks and is having a shark themed birthday party. :)

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Friday, February 14, 2014

Crochet D Lane is Officially Published!

I am so thrilled to announce that my ice cream sundae hat design was featured in this month's (February 2014) issue of Australia's Homespun Magazine!

I can't stop smiling and have been on cloud 9 all this week since I was informed about the publish.

I am very grateful to everyone at Homespun for this opportunity. What an honor!
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Monday, February 10, 2014

Ruby The Rubik's Cube Valentine Box

Over the weekend, my daughter Xiera worked on her Valentine box for her upcoming Valentine party at school. She wanted something cute, retro, and kawaii. She fell in love with an adorable Rubik's cube box idea she found on Pinterest created by Tammy and Annie of Peppermint Plum. Xiera decided to recreate her own version. We substituted black construction paper in the place of the black foam paper it called for underneath the colorful foam block squares.

We also decided to cut the hole on top with an x-acto knife AFTER the box was complete. I helped with this part. ;)
Xiera requested an opening in the back to remove all of her Valentines and candy with ease so I used the x-acto knife once again to create this opening.

Xiera cannot wait to show off Ruby the Rubik's Cube to all of her friends this week at her Valentine party. We think it turned out very kawaii!

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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Daisy Petals Girl Scout Hat

My youngest daughter is a Daisy girl scout and has been very busy these past few weeks selling girl scout cookies. The weather has not been the greatest outside for door to door sales, and with booth sales approaching, I thought I would make her a little daisy girl scout hat to keep her head warm.

A Girl Scout Daisy earns her petals by participating and completing activities that represent each petal.

An activity for let's say the yellow petal, which represents friendly and helpful, can be as easy as bringing in a snack at a meeting and passing it out to each of her "daisy sisters" while also saying something nice to each of the girls.
By doing this kind gesture, she will get rewarded the yellow petal to add to her girl scout tunic.

Zella really enjoys being a Daisy Girl Scout and has made a lot of friends within her troop. She is learning so many valuable life lessons while having lots of fun!

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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Emma Dress Set

I had a dear customer of mine request a very sweet pineapple stitch dress set for her infant daughter, Emma. So for the past few weeks, I worked every moment on it and am so proud to finally show off the finished piece.

She only wanted the matching booties with the dress but I felt it needed that precious little beret to complete it.

For a little accent, I added three fresh water pearl beads to the center of the crochet flower and sewed it on.

I can't wait to see pictures of sweet little Emma wearing this dress. This is going to be her Easter dress.

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