Thursday, September 19, 2013

Crocheting The Days Away

These past few weeks have been BUSY!! My little fingers and crochet hooks have been making some WONDERFUL hats and things for my beloved customers, family, and friends. I actually had to put my Etsy store on vacation until after Halloween, just so I can play catch up! Here are just some of the items I have been working on these past few weeks while I was missing from action in the blogosphere.

The last one is a Valentine inspired newborn stocking hat with matching diaper cover with a bracelet to match. I have a customer that is expecting a precious baby girl in January and I can't wait to see pictures of her wearing this!
As you can tell I have been super busy and this is only half of my orders, so I must get back to work! :)
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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

My Little Geeky Chick

I had made this Geeky Chick Scarflette awhile back and sort of *GASP* forgot about it! I had my daughter model it for me yesterday evening and she really brought it to life.

I know that I am partial to this cutie patootie, but she does make the most adorable little bookworm in those glasses.

I plan to add this to my Etsy store, later on this week.
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