Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Thinking Halloween....

Working on a few new items for my store...
I am thinking about the Pumpkin king and his beloved Sally. ;)

Monday, August 27, 2012

My Brave Loving Little Girl

If you haven't figured it out yet, Zella is in love with the new Disney Princess Merida from the movie Brave. She is my little brute so that tough girl image that Merida portrays must appeal to her. I paired up with the talented Karen of Layla and Stitch Boutique and made 2 adorable hats to match her sweet dress design. The first hat I made looks a lot like the Brave purse I recently created. I loved the Merida face I did on the purse so I decided to put it on a hat and it worked.
The hat is so cute and whimsical with all of that crazy red hair.
The next hat was inspired by those adorable 3 little bear brothers from the movie. Those bears were Zella's favorite with their bright blue eyes and sweet little innocent faces that we all know disguised how onry they truly were.
Zella is in LOVE with the Brave dress Karen made. She wants to wear it all of the time.
She actually wore it today to school. She got on the bus this morning with her sister for the first time.
She is such a big/little girl now. She was all smiles while she waved to hubby and I out that bus window.

Friday, August 24, 2012

First Day of Kindergarten

Zella's first day of kindergarten was today and although I have been looking forward to this day, being a stay at home mom for over 8 years, I ended up being a crying mess for most of the morning. I have noticed myself checking the clock every 20-30 minutes anticipating the time that I can break this strange childless silence that I am not exactly used to.
Hubby and I took the girls to school this morning. On the way there, I could hear Xiera giving her little sister a pep talk. "There is no talking in the halls and if anyone is mean to you, just ignore them!"
I have to say that was wonderful advice for Zella since ignoring is something she hasn't quite mastered yet. Zella is my little brute and if anyone or anything is bugging her, you can rest assure that she will let them and everyone around know.
Zella was so excited once we arrived in her class. She put her book bag and lunch box into her very own locker and then found her name on one of the tables and sat down ready to learn.
Leaving her there was so bittersweet. She is my baby and yet she isn't. She is such a big girl now. I look forward to hearing all about her first day this afternoon. :)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

First Day of 3rd Grade

Xiera starts 3rd grade today! She was very nervous since it is her first day in the "New" elementary school building that is combined with the junior high and high school. I have to say that I am a bit nervous for her.
Of course she has Team Awesome on her side (The Powerpuff Girls)
Zella starts kindergarten on Friday!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Simply In Awe

My dear, sweet best friend, April delivered a beautiful baby girl Saturday evening. Keira Lynn was born at 6 pounds and 14.5 ounces and is pure perfection.
I visited them both in the hospital yesterday morning and I was in heaven. I am so happy for her.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Something New

I had a bit of a surprise outside yesterday evening while filling the empty bird feeder with new seeds for my feathered friends to enjoy. I first looked down and noticed a broken dove egg lying on the ground. I then looked up and saw a nest of sticks and dead grass. I didn't see anyone inside from the angle I was standing so being the nosy person that I am, I grabbed my camera and ladder and climbed up to find this!
I think I see three or possibly four sweet little baby doves keeping cozy in there. How absolutely precious!

Yesterday Xiera took her third trip to the Orthodontists' office. Xiera has a cross bite that we have known about for sometime. She now wears an expander to help correct it and will for the next 6-9 months. She surprisingly enjoys wearing it and can't wait to show it off to all of her friends when she starts back to school in three weeks.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Fall Fairy House

Remember the custom fairy house purse giveaway I hosted a little over a week ago on Facebook? Well the winner requested a custom fall theme design and this is what I came up with...
All of those fall colors are making me yearn for cooler autumn days. Our summer has definitely been a HOT one! Thank goodness for swimming pools!